In the Ladbrokes Online Casino you can also play in the Live Casino! What’s the difference with the other games? Well, you’ll be in direct contact with a real casino where you can see the playing table and a real croupier via a live stream. They will communicate with you and you can respond via chat to ask any questions you may have.
At Ladbrokes Casino’s Live Casino you can choose from Live Roulette, Live Blackjack, Live Casino Hold’em and Live Baccarat. But we know also of other bookmakers!

Ladbrokes Mobile app
At home… or on the road, Ladbrokes Casino can now be played on your mobile!
Now you can take your favorite casino games with you wherever you go! When you visit the new website of Ladbrokes Casino Mobile on your smartphone or tablet, you can play all your favorite slots, card games and video poker games just like on a regular computer!
Ladbrokes Sports Betting
Of course Ladbrokes is also known as the popular bookmaker! Do you know anything about sports? Then you can use your expertise to post your prediction and win some money with sports bets at Ladbrokes! Take advantage of TOP quotes at sports matches from football, tennis, hockey, formula 1 and much more! Also, for matches and tournaments from the World Cup, the Champions League or Grand Slams such as Wimbledon and Roland Garros are waiting for your prediction!

Loyalty points
As a Ladbrokes Casino player you can collect loyalty points for every €10 you wager. These points can be exchanged into CASH money. You must have a Ladbrokes account and play with real money on one or more games at Ladbrokes Casino in order to qualify.
In Belgium, Ladbrokes is regarded as the undisputed leader in betting for more than 30 years. The Belgian company is currently achieving an ever-increasing turnover of around 225 million euros by means of nearly 300 specialised offices at national level and around a hundred newsagents.